blocked toilet repairs

Plumbers Score With Royal Flush

Plumbers Score With Royal Flush

“People have been struggling to buy toilet paper so they’re just using whatever they can lay their hands on,” Mr Bonanno told The Daily Telegraph. “We have pulled out rags, socks, underwear - it’s a surprise every time.” Since the onset of Coronavirus, plumbers have seen a surge in the number of blocked drains cases throughout Sydney. The reason is two fold. Firstly, people are spending more time at home and the bathroom facilities are being used more regularly. Secondly, an inadequate supply of toilet paper has led some people to use substitutes such as wet-wipes and kitchen roll.

How to avoid blocked drains in your Sydney restaurant business

How to avoid blocked drains in your Sydney restaurant business

Running a busy restaurant is hard enough without the added stress of a blocked drain. Restaurants rely heavily on their plumbing systems to provide food and beverages and clean facilities for guests. When things go wrong with the drainage it can bring business to a standstill. Below are some methods for avoiding the most common blocked drain issues faced by Sydney restaurants.

How to unblock a clogged toilet

How to unblock a clogged toilet

Want to know how to unblock a toilet? Blocked toilets are one of the most common plumbing problems experienced by Sydney residents and business owners. Pressing the flush button and watching the toilet fill up with wastewater can be stressful and embarrassing. Luckily, learning how to unblock a toilet is relatively simple.